Brrrrr, chilly out today! I was very thankful the sun was shining! It's hard to believe that in just a short amount of time we will start to see snow falling from the sky again! It's also hard to believe the time is coming so fast for us to finally be moving. For something I have been trying to put out of my mind for months, it is front and center everyday now. All day today we ran around town getting just "one more thing" to help sell the house here. We talked about actually moving all of our stuff into the new house in st Charles in just over a week and what I need to have here to survive the last 6 weeks living here in normal with no furniture. Luckily, I'm not really a TV person so I could care less about that. It will all work out.
I would be fooling myself if I said I'm ready for this move. I'm more used to the idea than I was three months ago. I would love to brag about how great it's going to be and how excited I am about our new adventure, but I just can't. I have fears about the future and although I know deep in my heart everything will be fine, I'm scared. I know that I have an inner drive that will not let me fail but yet a part of me fears failure. I have the most wonderful husband and family and friends but right now at this moment I feel very alone and sad. It will be fine and I am strong. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.
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